Nwo Souled Out 1997 Entrance Theme Youtube
nwo souled out 1997 entrance theme youtube

Nwo Souled Out 1997 Entrance Theme Youtube Series Of THREAT

Despite everything, NWO Souled Out 1997 is worth watching at least once, just for the novelty value, just dont expect to be entertained by much of what goes on in the ring.Previously on the Best and Worst of WCW Monday Nitro: The Vigilante Sting™ continued to use a series of THREAT-WHISPERS to inspire The Giant in his face-turn against the New World Order, and his quest to actually get the World War 3 title shot he earned against Hollywood Hogan. After everything Ive said so far, youd probably expect me to recommend avoiding this one, but thats not the case. And so the nWo Pay per View experiment came to an end.

The problem was that this PPV was hosted by NWO heels Eric Bischoff and Ted DiBiase (Sr.) , and they made no effort to put it over on commentary, as the idea of the show was to bury the regular WCW guys.The Sports Frenzy Podcast: Souled Out is proud to present a captivating interview. It was at the WCW/nWo Souled Out PPV where Kevin Nash did the unthinkable.During his match with WCW World Heavyweight Champion 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan at NWO Souled Out in January 1997, he actually did a flying elbow drop from the freaking top rope. That’s going to be great, probably!nWo crowd riot on Table for 3 (WWE Network) MP3 dapat kamu nikmati dengan. Oh, and nWo SOULED OUT is coming soon. That’s your spectrum of public interest.

Let me put it to you this way: the opener is Chavo Guerrero Jr. Let people know how much you like the column!And now, the vintage Best and Worst of WCW Monday Nitro for January 13, 1997.That looks like the sickest German suplex ever, doesn’t it? Spoiler: it’s a jumping asshole to the face.This week’s Nitro takes place in New Orleans at the Silverdome, brother, and the fans there are so ready to see wrestling. You can catch up with all the previous episodes on the Best and Worst of Nitro tag page.Remember, if you want us to keep writing 20-year old WCW jokes on the reg, your half of the deal is hitting these share buttons.

nwo souled out 1997 entrance theme youtube

But asking Larry Zbyszko to pay attention to trends is like asking a toddler to do calculus.Honestly, the only heel move by Sting here is preventing us from seeing Hacksaw Jim Duggan vs. Because what other reason would he have to jump this flag-bearing Le Incompétent that just called him out? Tony Schiavone is like, “we should look for a PATTERN in Sting’s victims,” and I want to shake my TV screen and scream THE PATTERN IS PEOPLE WHO CALLED HIM OUT ON THE MICROPHONE OR JUMPED ON HIS BACK, IDIOTS, EVERYONE ELSE HE’S GIVEN BASEBALL BATS TO HELP FIGHT THE NWO, THIS IS WHY HE TURNED HIS BACK ON Y’ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE. There’s some hero production assistant cutting these live promos in half by hitting the music at the wrong time, and I want to travel time just to shake his hand.Duggan is supposed to wrestle Super Calo (!!), but as soon as he gets into the ring, Sting shows up and drops him with one move.The announce team, of course, says this definitely means Sting is in the nWo. Duggan’s music starts playing before he’s done, which is hilarious in an Oscar “go home” kind of way, but it’s not the only time it happens on the night.

Remember how it looked the last time they wrestled? Here’s a reminder:Konnan is so weird. That’s him getting Steiner Screwdrivered from a clothesline. Pittman “kicks out” after the three, but everyone involved is like, “yeah, nope, match is over, bye.” Seriously, look at that screenshot of him being dropkicked in the face.Calo ends up wrestling after all, stepping into the ring with Konann. About a minute into the match, Jericho goes up top, missile dropkicks the ever-loving sh*t out of him in his face, and pins him. Remember a few episodes ago when Masahiro Chono joined the nWo and wrestled Jericho, and just ate up all his offense and made him look terrible? This is Jericho getting that win back.Pittman looks especially lost in here, selling clotheslines and spinning heel kicks by just kinda falling over and crawling. Calo — a small touch on a live show that I always, always appreciate — and it ends up being Chris Jericho vs.

Hyde is Jekyll had mono and Hyde desperately wanted to paralyze a bunch of Mexicans.Best: Harlem Heat Kinda Win A Normal MatchThe ruthless hammering of enhancement talent continues with Harlem Heat dropkicking the guts out of Kenny Kaos, one half of Steiner Brother chew toys High Voltage. In this match he repeatedly dumps Super Calo on his head, no-sells a crossbody and just lets Calo bounce off him and fall like an idiot, and ends him figuratively and also possibly literally with a Fisherman’s DDT. But when he wrestles luchadors, he gets this sense of proprietary rage about him and just f*cks them up. Wallstreet, he’s often slow, lazy and ineffectual.

That gets Kevin Nash to turn around, so Page dodges an attack and sends him clumsily falling to the outside in one of the worst table bumps ever. Wallstreet or whatever, but then OH SH*T, HE TURNS SCOTT HALL’S HANDSHAKE INTO A DIAMOND CUTTER. The crowd’s kinda deflated by it because they want to love this guy and don’t want him to be D. Calling this dude “Starr” would be like naming Big Show “Tiny.” He can’t even take the Diamond Cutter correctly, jumping forward into it so Page has to Diamond Cut his torso:Page grumpily pins him and we instantly forget it because here comes Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, making their what, fifth attempt to get DDP to join the nWo? This time, though, he AGREES, and puts on the shirt. Sometimes I wonder if Stone Cold Steve Austin would’ve been half as popular if he’d kept the Million Dollar Dream and never grabbed someone’s head and fallen down with it.Here, Page wrestles Mark Starr, who has the least appropriate wrestling name ever.

OH NO.You see, the story is that Debra wants Jarrett in the Horsemen but nobody else does — well, Ric Flair kinda does, but he’s transformed into a drunken, senile college dad and is too busy dancing to pay attention — and is trying to manipulate Chris Benoit and Woman’s rivalry with Kevin Sullivan to make room for him. It ends when Mongo tries to hit Jarrett with his metal Tesseract briefcase and Debra stops him, causing him to actually hit Benoit instead. Welcome to the best years of your life, DDP.I’m sure the Four Horsemen are around to help you!Worst: The Four Horsemen Are The Dirt WorstThe bicker-fighting between this disassociated gaggle of shouting morons continues with a one-on-one match between Jeff Jarrett and Chris Benoit, to see who the real most Horseman is.

You wanna badmouth me, I could care less! You wanna badmouth Woman … you don’t even wanna go there. Benoit once again wins the week by defending Woman in a promo that I’m 99% sure was written by Tommy Wiseau.“As for you, you wanna bad mouth the Horsemen, that’s fine because that’s just your style. That might’ve been fine if Debra didn’t pick it up, show it to the camera and say, “it’s empty.” Some beauty queens just want to watch the world burn.That’s followed by another ( another) interview where they yell at each other about who’s f*cking who and why, and where whoever isn’t there this week is.

Also, he’s screaming about how he’s going to tear out someone’s “goozle” at Souled Out. If you’re keeping score, that’s a Spencer’s Gifts belt, a backwards leather Kangol hat and an EXTREME CASUALS tank top. The announce team “gets word” that the Horsemen are “locked in the dressing room” having a shouting match, which is still EXTREMELY INTERESTING after SEVERAL MONTHS and ALREADY SEEING IT ONCE TONIGHT, so Arn just angrily waves off the match and loses via count-out.Honestly, Jim Duggan’s not looking like that bad of a leader.I’ll give a supplemental Best to the post-match interview with the Steiners, though, because Scotty is about three-fourths of the way through his transformation into Big Poppa Pump. He’s having trouble and keeps trying to get the other Horsemen at ringside, presumably to help him win via empty briefcase, but they don’t show up. And I talk from experience! There’s no plastic, no wax, zero silicone, she is alllll womannnn.”Good to know her boobs aren’t made out of wax, I guess?A few segments later, Arn Anderson wrestles Rick Steiner.

nwo souled out 1997 entrance theme youtube